1st Day (Theory):
Detailed explanations on functions and operation of NC5.
Content include: the settings of movement sequence, mold open and close, mold protection, core puller, ejection, air blow, direct control, barrel temperature, injection profile, holding profile, dosing profile, setting storage, processstatistic control, code management, automatic start up, production and order management etc.
2nd Day (Practical):
Preparation of mold set up, mold set up, screw & nozzle mount and dismount,wiring and hydraulic connection of core puller, ejector protection wiring, I/O wiring etc.
1st Day (Theory): Basic plastics knowledge, mold structure, material drying, plastics melting theory, screw and non-return valve, process parameter influence and optimizing , trouble shootings etc.
2nd Day (Practical): Scientific mold test: how to find the right process window for each importantparameter,how to evaluate influence of each process parameters and DOE.
(Theory):Basic hydraulic knowledge, hydraulic diagram, how to read electric diagram
(Practical):IMM safety devices, basic structure,maintenance plan and implement points
Please copy each participant and send to training leader.
Please send one week in advance.
1. Payment: Please make the total payment into Demag account latest one week before the training takes place.
2. According to company safety policy, anyone coming into our factory must wear safety shoes, so please every trainee must prepare your own safety shoes or let Demag buy for you and you pay it off on site when training starts.
3. Each course has been prepared with training materials, however you are supposed to prepare pens and note books on your own.
4. During training in DCN, accommodation, transportation between Demag and hotel and meals are all not included, however lunch will be offer by Demag canteen free of charge.
5. After training of each course, an relevant test will be take place and only the one who pass the test will be rewarded with a relevant certificate.